Victor.Elies: Vierge à l'Enfant
Victor.Elies: Baptême du Christ
Victor.Elies: Visage grillagé
Victor.Elies: Église Saint-Étienne d'Espelette
Victor.Elies: Vierge à l'enfant
Laura K Bellamy: Provo Temple in Late Spring
Laura K Bellamy: From the Mesa Temple Grounds
Laura K Bellamy: Fountain at the Meridian Temple
Laura K Bellamy: Green at the Provo Temple
Laura K Bellamy: Path Towards the Temple
Laura K Bellamy: Flowerbeds at the Vernal Temple
Bronco Loco: Just Blaze
Laura K Bellamy: Snow-Covered Nativity
Laura K Bellamy: Stained Glass at the Boise Temple
Laura K Bellamy: Fountain in Front of the Provo City Center Temple
Laura K Bellamy: Dreary Day at the Provo City Center Temple
Laura K Bellamy: Just After the Sunrise
Laura K Bellamy: Flowers at the Vernal Temple
Laura K Bellamy: Evening at the Mesa Temple
Laura K Bellamy: Pale Blue Sky Over the Provo City Center Temple
Bronco Loco: Mirror Mirror
Laura K Bellamy: Morning at the Tucson Temple
donaldwmeyers: Moses Lake Temple HDR
Laura K Bellamy: Touches of Autumn Gold at Mt. Timpanogos
Laura K Bellamy: Up to the Spire of the Albuquerque Temple
Bronco Loco: Snow Ball
D. Garding: Fanciful Splashing
D. Garding: Enjoying the Warm Stream Waters
Laura K Bellamy: Christus in Provo City Center
chase.bartholomew: Fresh backcountry tracks