Studio d'Xavier: The Perplexing Pathos of Exclusion 10 Years Hence
derpunk: Blue
derpunk: Lost
derpunk: Mystical mist
derpunk: (e) motion
derpunk: Beach dream
derpunk: Amazing
derpunk: Remake II
Studio d'Xavier: Gut Feelings and Fact Checking
Studio d'Xavier: Frog on a Burrito
Studio d'Xavier: A Random Encounter with the Levitating Lamp of Far Lini
pikespice: Bowie tries to One-Up Beka's Drawing Skills
EllenJo: re-enactment of Floyd + Inyo Face, 12 years later
EllenJo: Inyo Face Floyd
Studio d'Xavier: Two Sailors One Birthday
Studio d'Xavier: "So Fredricka, how do you like my Bat Thang?"
Studio d'Xavier: When Clowns Dress Like Batman - It's not a game anymore!
Studio d'Xavier: A Photoshop Birthday Extravaganza
pikespice: 6 years later and vacuuming still sucks!
Flac Astray: 旅立ち
kodama_SS: 神降ろし タイタン編
kodama_SS: 大成功!
kodama_SS: 遊牧の民
kodama_SS: 鋼の一族
kodama_SS: 孤独な怪物
kodama_SS: 凛々し可愛い