Mr. History: Birdie Lane
Mr. History: Birmingham Blitz, WW2
Mr. History: St. Thomas Church
Mr. History: Maestà, c. 1280
Mr. History: St. Thomas AA old
Mr. History: Adoration of the Child, c.1497
Mr. History: AA, St. Thomas Ch, Parisioners
Mr. History: Backyard Winter
Mr. History: Sophie, 2009
Mr. History: Harrison Soldiers
Mr. History: Backyard Statues, May 18, 2021
Mr. History: Orrin Parsons Family
Mr. History: Harper Lee, 1960
Mr. History: Philip Seymour Hoffman
Mr. History: Truman Capote
Mr. History: Isenheim Altarpiece, 1516
Mr. History: Madonna & Child, 1509
Mr. History: Saline River Research
Mr. History: St. Thomas Midnight Mass
Mr. History: Christine Lerolle Embroidering, c. 1896
Mr. History: Young Woman Running
Mr. History: Sleep Time
Mr. History: Resurrection, c. 1441
Mr. History: Christ on Cross, c. 1605
Mr. History: Pietà, 1498-1499
Mr. History: Agony in the Garden, c. 1459
Mr. History: Delicate Arch
Mr. History: Door Sill
Mr. History: Saline Sisters, 1865
TheDarkFiles: Cross hill