Armando f2.8: Largo Martim Moniz, "antecâmara" da Mouraria
José_Eduardo: the pitch
Midtones Photography: Reflexos de Braga
Elsa M. Gomes: The Guardian
José_Eduardo: Taraxacum officinale
Leiliane Doval: Flora 22 dias / Ensaio Newborn RJ
armindo dias: Osiris
armindo dias: Osiris
Elsa M. Gomes: Solitary Confinement
armindo dias: I'm a Warrior!
Elsa M. Gomes: Vigilant Lady
Elsa M. Gomes: Narcisist Tree
Luzinha :D: CDLXXII
Elsa M. Gomes: Secretariat
armindo dias: The Sky Is My Limit
armindo dias: Pretty Mirror... Is there anyone... ?
Elsa M. Gomes: Echoes of fainted laughters and running fooftsteps
Elsa M. Gomes: Liquid Serenity
Elsa M. Gomes: There is strong shadow where there is much light
armindo dias: Who's There?
armindo dias: It's All In The Eyes
armindo dias: Now I Am King
armindo dias: What?!?!?
armindo dias: Alice In DreamLand