rossolev: Quand on n'a que l'amour
herrikkane: Katharina
herrikkane: Katharina
herrikkane: Millennium Bridge
sommerpfuetze: at the road´s end
herrikkane: ma belle
herrikkane: Lichtgestalt
herrikkane: afternoons and coffeespoons
herrikkane: roter Mond
noahswelt: Stefan
noahswelt: Waiting Generation
noahswelt: Centralstation
herrikkane: on the bridge
herrikkane: whatever comes and goes
herrikkane: without you
herrikkane: Isthme
herrikkane: Côte Sauvage
herrikkane: capture the moment
herrikkane: unforgettable
rossolev: Amor, ch'a nullo amato amar perdona (Inf. V, v.103)
herrikkane: there's light
herrikkane: a good captain can't fall asleep
herrikkane: Oshkosh
herrikkane: es wird wärmer