moonjazz: Good Catch
A_Renner: Calm full moon night
genf: Fata Morgana
Anselmo Portes: "As they sail into the sunset they'll count the cost..."
Anselmo Portes: St. Stephen Basilica
moonjazz: Gold Hunter, Keep Hunting to Make Your Dreams Come True
A_Renner: Wo ist Andromeda?
CoolMcFlash: Isolated
Anselmo Portes: Shadows of the valley
Dark Urban Minimalism: Cuestionamientos
Anselmo Portes: Colours of the city
Anselmo Portes: Staring at the sun
Bruce Tighe1: silhouette
$€¥ƒ\AЯT#: Afrika / Arabische Wüste / Rub al-Khali
Anselmo Portes: and the cold light of day
Anselmo Portes: Through the window
CoolMcFlash: Giants
Target Tyrak: Ubiquitous Sunset shot
Anselmo Portes: Hanging the Sun
moonjazz: Homeward bound
A_Renner: Fernweh
A_Renner: Nebelstimmung im Vollmond
Anselmo Portes: Wherever I may roam
Luiz Filipe Varella: coruja-buraqueira (Athene cunicularia)
Anselmo Portes: "Put your soul in the water...