runningafterantelope: Page 255 - Figure 9.6/3 - The Maori meeting house as an object distributed in space and time
runningafterantelope: The Involution of The Index - The heirarchy of embeddedness of agent-patient relationships - Page 55 - Figure 4.3/2
runningafterantelope: The Involution of The Index: The multiple levels of agency within the index. Figure 4.3/1, page 54
runningafterantelope: The Self-Made Index
runningafterantelope: The Art Nexus and The Index
runningafterantelope: Table I - The Art Nexus
runningafterantelope: Map of Dinka, Nuer, Shilluk, Anuak
runningafterantelope: Diagram No. III
runningafterantelope: Evans-Pritchard - Diagram No. II - Segmentary Opposition
runningafterantelope: Formal Variation
runningafterantelope: Figure 3: Variation in the Scale of Cultural Processes
runningafterantelope: Kinds of "Processes"
runningafterantelope: Figure 6.2/3, page 92-93
runningafterantelope: Kahi Hanaupe
peterme: Stylistic Sequence Diagram
genmon: The Integral Thesis of Stafford Beer's Platform for Change as a composite System Diagram
runningafterantelope: Alfred Gell - The Triple Analogy / Articulatory Landscapes of the Umeda [large version]
runningafterantelope: Marquesan tattooing (rear), by Von de Steinen, in Alfred Gell (1999), "The Art of Anthropology: Essays and Diagrams."
runningafterantelope: Positioning a 'self' and a stance - (Schiffrin 2006), page 211
runningafterantelope: Frames of 'self' and 'other' in narrative
runningafterantelope: What we knew - (Schiffrin 2006), fig. 6.6
runningafterantelope: Speech Functions - (Schiffrin 2006)
runningafterantelope: Reframing experience in the story world - (Schiffrin 2006)
runningafterantelope: Kroeber's comparison of evolutionary models: Biological evolution (branching) and Cultural evolution (reticulate)
runningafterantelope: Greg Urban (1992) - A Discourse-Centered Approach to Culture
runningafterantelope: Foucault Flakes
runningafterantelope: A Model of 'Face-Work' Based on Goffman's Hypothesis
runningafterantelope: Figure 2.C.1 The Turn-taking System
runningafterantelope: Fairclough (1995) - Dimensions of discourse analysis