sustainivore: Local Bites event organizer starts the churning!
sustainivore: i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
sustainivore: we out here.
sustainivore: 10 year old can ride!
sustainivore: it's cold!
sustainivore: always draws a crowd
sustainivore: making smoothies.
sustainivore: dance! clap! get up and say, "yea!"
sustainivore: SHAKE YOUR PEACE! makes you shake your booty.
sustainivore: Bike blended smoothie
sustainivore: smoothies in the VitaMix pitcher makes more deliciousness.
sustainivore: amazed by the art.
Rock The Bike: Labeling the cabling.
Rock The Bike: Cranking out organic smoothies at Earth Day USF
kristaj1430: 20110521-20110521-184939
Rock The Bike: Nice costume! Poor seat height though... Crew, please remember to improve the seat height for every pedaler!
kristaj1430: 20110508-20110508-111139
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