greyloch: Quartz with Elbaite inclusions
Dylan Marlais Thomas: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Dylan Marlais Thomas: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Dylan Marlais Thomas: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Dylan Marlais Thomas: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Dylan Marlais Thomas: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Dylan Marlais Thomas: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
greyloch: Dom Pedro Aquamarine (IR filtered)
Nathan_Arrington: Officers Memorial 901
greyloch: Samurai's Kabuto
Nathan_Arrington: Little Dedo 381
Nathan_Arrington: The Pension Building
Nathan_Arrington: Capitol Columns 262
austexican718: San Antonio Museum of Art
Nathan_Arrington: Sasha 3-030
Nathan_Arrington: National Mall 20
EdZiomek: ESA “Eumenides Dorsum on Mars”, my Decipher 2. Martian Artwork
Nathan_Arrington: Shenandoah 248
Michael J Breen: Operation Deep Freeze 1957
greyloch: Henry at the party
greyloch: Elbaite (Watermelon Tourmaline) gemstones
greyloch: Whitney Fire Topaz
EdZiomek: 1,000 visible Humanoid-Portraiture on the Earth-Moon Face, derived with Photoshop! The "Man in the Moon" appears to be Humanoid Constructed
bps6162: American white water lilly
Nathan_Arrington: Huntley Meadows
bps6162: Lycoperdon excipuliforme (in Explore)
bps6162: recently emerged Boletus sp.