dannyhennesy: This might not be the way it actually looked but it is 100% realism to how it felt walking the cold suburbia after coming home from the urban centre and what is worse I might not be alone in my faceless loneliness ( art by Danny Hennesy 2024 ) kunst arte
jonathan.pradillon: Peinture abstraite : Dégradé carré vert bleu irisé.
daniel radtke 2: Sketches Nr. 29 - 18.04.2024
yon1984: 2024041901
jonathan.pradillon: Peinture contemporaine : Dégradé carré bleu irisé.
annie.lehoux: L’enfant et les poupées tatouées (acrylique sur toile)
jonathan.pradillon: Peinture abstraite : Dégradé carré bleu violet irisé.
Guewald: junkyard * 60x100 cm * acrylic/ charcoal on canvas * 0324
daniel radtke 2: Sketches Nr. 28 - 16.04.2024
daniel radtke 2: New Line‘s Sketches Nr. 11 - 16.04.2024
annie.lehoux: Le polichinelle et les poupées tatouées (peinture acrylique sur toile)
Edward Ofosu: Watching Israel killing children
pabigelli: L'età impervia - the impervious age - l'âge imperméable - Das undurchdringliche Zeitalter - A era impermeável
pabigelli: Paternità - Paternity - Paternité - Vaterschaft - Paternidade
daniel radtke 2: New Line‘s Sketches Nr. 10 - 14.04.2024
yon1984: 2024041501
MikeC4503: A Quarter To Seven
Edward Ofosu: Stolen African artefacts
pabigelli: Tarda primavera - Late spring - Fin du printemps - Später Frühling - Primavera tardia
Edward Ofosu: Selfish Selfportrait
jean-jourdan.com: swing1- 2024-50cmx 40cm
Edward Ofosu: Painting my best friend
jean-jourdan.com: grain de folie
Jim Harris: Artist.: James Wallace Harris: Treuenbrietzen.
daniel radtke 2: Sketches Nr. 27 - 11.04.2024
pabigelli: Sette minuti dopo la mezzanotte - seven minutes after midnight - sept minutes après minuit - sieben Minuten nach Mitternacht - sete minutos depois da meia-noite
daniel radtke 2: Sketches Nr. 26 - 10.04.2024