Alex Zehnder: Kleiner Fuchs - Aglais urticae
Alex Zehnder: Waldbrettspiel - Pararge aegeria
Kei Kei Law: 細灰蝶 Leptotes plinius (Zebra Blue)
Alex Zehnder: Tagpfauenauge - Aglais io
Alex Zehnder: Waldbrettspiel - Pararge aegeria
d_taron: Ulysses Swallowtail
d_taron: Bordered Rustic
d_taron: The Lurcher
Barrie J Brown CPAGB: Common Mormon (Papilio polytes
Barrie J Brown CPAGB: Chocolate Pansy (Junania iphita)
Alex Zehnder: Waldbrettspiel - Pararge aegeria
The Pastor's Photography: Butterfly House 41
d_taron: Ambrax Swallowtail
ronniegoyette: Spring Monarch
Kei Kei Law: 藍咖灰蝶 Catochrysops panormus (Silver Forget-me-not)
Ng Aomoa: Meandrusa payeni, the yellow gorgon(s)
d_taron: Orange Bushbrown
d_taron: Swamp Tiger
SHAN DUTTA: The beauty of orange tip!!
Kei Kei Law: 普福來灰蝶 Freyeria putli (Grass Jewel)
Kei Kei Law: 銀鏈嬈灰蝶 Arhopala pseudocentaurus (Centaur Oak Blue)
Alex Zehnder: Waldbrettspiel - Pararge aegeria
Johan Bolhuis: Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
d_taron: Common Grass Yellow
Johan Bolhuis: Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Johan Bolhuis: Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Ng Aomoa: Lamproptera curius, the white dragontail
Ng Aomoa: Meandrusa payeni, the yellow gorgon
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