sdttds: Bluffing juvenile Pacific gopher snake
sdttds: DSC_1949_Whistler
R. Sawdon Photography: Feeding Time.
k.nanney: MASON WASP 8
k.nanney: MASON WASP 10
k.nanney: MASON WASP 9
sdttds: DSC_0336_Great black wasp
k.nanney: ROBBER FLY 10
sdttds: DSC_2778_Another view of the Pergrine falcon
k.nanney: BLACK BEAR 2
k.nanney: BLACK BEAR 1
Bárbol: Egretta caerulea (1-8-19 AMNH Sanford)
Bárbol: Chrysaora fuscescens 2 (15-10-20 Acuario de Sevilla)
Bárbol: Atrax robustus (15-9-21 Naturhistorisches Museum Wien)
Bárbol: Aiolocaria hexaspilota 2 (15-9-21 Naturhistorisches Museum Wien)
Bárbol: Chauna torquata (2-7-16 Zoo de San Diego)
Bárbol: Charonia lampas 2 (15-10-20 Acuario de Sevilla)
guenterleitenbauer: Eyelash Viper (Botriechis schlegelii)
Tick Proof Repllent: Rocky Mountain wood tick
Tick Proof Repllent: poultry tick
Tick Proof Repllent: Western Blacklegged tick
Tick Proof Repllent: Gulf Coast tick
Tick Proof Repllent: Lone Star tick
Tick Proof Repllent: Cayenne Tick
Tick Proof Repllent: Brown dog tick
Tick Proof Repllent: Asian longhorned tick
Tick Proof Repllent: Eastern Blacklegged tick
sdttds: DSC_1912_Elana