marcostetter: 20240401
marcostetter: 20240323 bw
marcostetter: bathtub relax
marcostetter: 20240217
marcostetter: bathtub
marcostetter: 20231003 clean
Manhattan Girl: rose petal bath
marcostetter: selfie tub relax
Manhattan Girl: she was long gone...
marcostetter: Washday
marcostetter: wet guy
marcostetter: underground
marcostetter: bathtub
marcostetter: washday
marcostetter: wet guy
marcostetter: Keep Cool II
marcostetter: selfie topless
marcostetter: bathtub
Manhattan Girl: the bathtub in our hotel room
p.kelly62: I don't know why
Manhattan Girl: so this thanksgiving I didn't want to mope around at home & think about how I was away from my kids...