austexican718: Posse Comitatus
SWJuk: Z50_1501 - Reggie
threejumps: Diamond Dogs
SWJuk: Z50_1195 - Reggie at Gayle
austexican718: Rudi really wants to rid the yard of rock squirrels!
masis2011: Just a Little Pup
SWJuk: Z50_1759 - Reggie at Two years old!
SWJuk: Z52_4000 - Reggie
Wales and beyond: Canine portrait
austexican718: Lola likes action films
charcoal soul: seal impression
austexican718: Bouvier des Flandres
epopescu: DSC03875-ARW
austexican718: Bouvier Rodent Apprehension Tactical Squad
annzstream: 20240218_115800
charcoal soul: Outside the RSPCA.
masis2011: Charlie Dog
masis2011: Charlie Dog
annzstream: 417725448_3197568360550042_6752700521012177994_n
SWJuk: Z50_0649 - "I'll risk one eye..."
SWJuk: Z52_4001 - Reggie
SWJuk: Z52_3129 - Let sleeping dogs lie...
epopescu: DSC07222-ARW
austexican718: Wanna play?
epopescu: DSC07280-ARW
epopescu: DSC07237-ARW
epopescu: DSC06942-ARW