texmclaughlin: Belize travel
Alan Mays: An Easter Puzzle — Which Came First?
Jeff R. Lonto: Shut up and kiss me poster
七福神: shimonita // すき焼きを昨夜 家でしてみました。今晩は鳥の水炊きにしようかと思います、それで明日はしゃぶしゃぶにでもしようかと思っています。下仁田の・・あの・・人参は美味しいですねえ(爆笑)我が家では鍋の最後は極細ラーメンでシメます、僕は家では鍋奉行などとは呼ばせません、鍋先生と呼びなさいと言っています、本宅ではないのですが僕が家に帰ると一番下の子がナベチェンチェイと呼ぶので、パパは外国人ではありません!日本人ですよ!と教えています。ということでお鍋の季節には下仁田ネギが欠かせませんね。
feldenchrist: Ralston-Purina, 1940s
feldenchrist: Jack Benny for Jello, 1937
feldenchrist: Wordless Crisco Conversations, 1934
Alan Mays: The Leap Year Trap in 1908
Alan Mays: The Leap Year Man Hunt in 1908
Alan Mays: Leap Year 1908—An Object of Dispute
Alan Mays: Try This on Your Piano—It Will Catch Him in Leap Year 1908
gt_hawk63: A Little Glows a Long Way
epiclectic: Time Peace (The Rascals Greatest Hits) - Back Cover
Once a garden - now feral: Palmolive soap 1936
Once a garden - now feral: Colgate toothpaste ad, 1959
epiclectic: s m o k i n '
epiclectic: s u r p r i s e
epiclectic: Bridge Over Troubled Water - Back Cover
feldenchrist: Catherine's Lovely Skin, 1930s
epiclectic: p o l i c e . b r u t a l i t y
Al Q: ironized yeast ad
epiclectic: s o m e t h i n g . s t i n k s
epiclectic: d i v o r c e
epiclectic: b l u e . b o x
Matthew Paul Argall - Old Ads: 1948 advertisement for Horlicks
Matthew Paul Argall - Old Ads: 1948 advertisement for Bourn-Vita
feldenchrist: Floor Plan Rugs, 1938
feldenchrist: Three Little Maids, 1939
feldenchrist: Una Merkel for Certo, 1939
Matthew Paul Argall - Old Ads: 1948 advertisement for Andrews Liver Salt