W9JIM: Owl Head
Lilian Alizert: Bioturbations - Séquences de Bouma
Lilian Alizert: Figures d'échappement / Load casts
swissgeologyfan: Gunlock Road, Utah
Jon Dev: Rock surface textures (small-scale complexity)
helldin.: Granite
helldin.: Plagioclase+ Pyroxene
helldin.: Monte Antola
helldin.: Serpentinit mit Pyroxen
helldin.: Metamorphit - Asbest?!
helldin.: Gneis
helldin.: Granato - Garnet
helldin.: Folded dike in Piemonte
helldin.: Discordant layer deforms under its own weight
felix.j.haase: Gabbro Rock from France
Stefano Iacono: IMG_0275
ray_friedman: Color by Iron Oxide
rwgabbro1: Botany of the Carolinas Coastal Plain, Part 18: Up a Not-So-Lazy River, Cliffs of the Neuse State Park, North Carolina, USA
Shandchem: Interesting structures in Devonian mudstones, south side of Wick Bay, possibly originating from raindrops, hailstone impact or unusual erosion?
Shandchem: Interesting structures in Devonian mudstones, south side of Wick Bay, possibly originating from raindrops, hailstone impact or unusual erosion?
Shandchem: Interesting structures in Devonian mudstones, south side of Wick Bay, possibly originating from raindrops, hailstone impact or unusual erosion?
Shandchem: Interesting structures in Devonian mudstones, south side of Wick Bay, possibly originating from raindrops, hailstone impact or unusual erosion?
Shandchem: Interesting structures in Devonian mudstones, south side of Wick Bay, possibly originating from raindrops, hailstone impact or unusual erosion?
Shandchem: Interesting structures in Devonian mudstones, south side of Wick Bay, possibly originating from raindrops, hailstone impact or unusual erosion?
Shandchem: Interesting structures in Devonian mudstones, south side of Wick Bay, possibly originating from raindrops, hailstone impact or unusual erosion?
ChPflügl: IMG_3369
ChPflügl: IMG_3351
Shandchem: Latheronwheel to Dunbeath paddle with Pentland Canoe Club and the East Sutherland Canoe Club members on 31 March 2024. As you round the north side of Dunbeath beach the cliffs have spectacular folding and faulting
W9JIM: Crystal Hill
KCSunshine54: Canyon Layers