manfred-c: Wehrheim - Auf der Anreise nach Bad Nauheim<>On the way to Bad Nauheim
G V K: DSC_4816
manfred-c: Düsseldorf - Der Zug neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu<>The train is slowly coming to an end
manfred-c: Düsseldorf - Prinzenwagen mit den Karnevalsvorständen<>Prince's car with the carnival board members
G V K: Rektoratskirche St. Karl Borromäus or Karlskirche
manfred-c: Schwelm - Winterabend in Schwelm<>Schwelm - Winter evening in Schwelm
G V K: Stephansdom
G V K: Rektoratskirche St. Karl Borromäus or Karlskirche Vienna
tedesco57: Esslingen 1750
G V K: Stephansdom
G V K: Vienna City Hall
G V K: Zur Schwäbischen Jungfrau vienna
G V K: Emperor Franz I
G V K: Burg Metternich Beilstein
G V K: Burg Metternich Beilstein
G V K: Pegel cochem
G V K: Beilstein
G V K: Stadtbucherei Cochem
TreasuresOfTraveling: As the world watches the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and her funeral procession from Westminster Abbey to Windsor Castle, it reminds me when I had the opportunity to see Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, at the Royal Agricultural
TreasuresOfTraveling: As the world watches the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and her funeral procession from Westminster Abbey to Windsor Castle, it reminds me when I had the opportunity to see Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, at the Royal Agricultural
tedesco57: England, Robert Morden 1695
Lau_postcards: Russian Federation Map
G V K: Streetart Porto
G V K: beach Praia do Carneiro
tedesco57: Road Map from Southampton to London, by John Ogilby 1675 at Chawton House and gardens
G V K: Porto
TreasuresOfTraveling: Playa de la Caleta
TreasuresOfTraveling: Playa de la Caleta
G V K: Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus
TreasuresOfTraveling: Cádiz Lighthouse