Aidehua2013: Moss Ghunsa Valley Oct 2023
crgillette77: juniper haircap moss
Treebeard: California Liverwort (Asterella californica) with sporophytes
crgillette77: greater tooth moss
crgillette77: greater tooth moss
crgillette77: greater tooth moss
Black Diamond Images: Plagiochila sp.
Black Diamond Images: Plagiochila sp.
Black Diamond Images: Plagiochila sp.
Black Diamond Images: Plagiochila sp.
crgillette77: delicate fern and broom moss
crgillette77: broom moss
crgillette77: crispy tuft moss and umbrella bristle moss
crgillette77: saber tooth moss
wanderflechten: Calypogeia sp.
wanderflechten: liverwort cells with oil bodies
crgillette77: goose egg moss
crgillette77: goose egg moss
crgillette77: lesser featherwort
crgillette77: goose egg moss
crgillette77: lesser featherwort
crgillette77: tree moss
crgillette77: polytrichum and dicranum moss
crgillette77: bald bristle moss
c besson photo nature: Ptychostomum Batz sur Mer
crgillette77: crispy tuft moss
crgillette77: poodle moss
wanderflechten: bryophyte garden in roadside ditch
crgillette77: beaked comb moss
crgillette77: tree moss species and delicate fern moss