dianestoner001: King of the World
krautOgrafie: Deutsch kurzhaar, Fullback Holland Strand, Meer
DerSchneeEngel: BayWatchDog
DerSchneeEngel: Vintage Rolf
serialplantfetishist: Another cropping of Heidi with balloon mouth.
serialplantfetishist: Gadding about with Heidi wearng her new doggles.
ex_magician: Ringo On The Roof - OC&E Woods Line State Trail
ex_magician: Ringo Roof
ex_magician: You Talkin' To Me?
ex_magician: "Four score and seven years ago"
eigi11: let's go.... i'm ready
peter.dezzi: Pup in truck
canon jam: Let's go or let me out!
Jan Egil Kristiansen: A dog loves a ride
A.Davey: Eye Contact!
vision smidgen: ruff riders
randi rivers: patiently waiting