Nek_Z@n: Closed Shutters!
Marite2007: Waterfront and architecture
rainerralph: shades of red
How I see it!: Facades of Color
Claude.O: Sol LeWitt - wall painting - Collection Lambert en Avignon
Vetroviola: Deep blue
athanecon: Venezia via Garibaldi - Fiori
ramon.vmorales: Ermita da Virxe do Porto III
HarQ Photography: Winter lakeside
Kasabox: Cuatro ventanas azules
Paul Brouns: Suspended Velocity [in Explore]
Kaz Iwagami: Fiat 500, Roma
Nek_Z@n: The red window shutters!
MBates Foto: Steamboat Blues
munoz jaime: Theatre de Roanne - Loire
Paul Brouns: Pirouettes of Pleasure [in Explore]
albelev69: Windmills - Amorgòs - Greece
Bong Manayon: Enchanted Playground
mariacabo65: Nostalgia...
langereaujp: L1001556
Anavicor: Colors connection_Macro Mondays
Christian Tessier: ombrelles - Luang Prabang- Laos
rainerralph: Colourful architecture
Babu l'binchou: Week-End normand (4) : Le Tréport
V A N D E E: Orange
langereaujp: L1002399