Psyhodelik: DSC_8641
Psyhodelik: DSC_8647
Psyhodelik: DSC_8654
Psyhodelik: DSC_8618
Psyhodelik: DSC_8629
EdZiomek: Review of NASA's "Case of the Martian Boulder Piles"
EdZiomek: NASA-Mercury: Portraiture around the Rim of an Impact Crater
EdZiomek: Mars, blurred out! Complement time!
EdZiomek: More Mars Habitat and Portraiture, courtesy of NASA
EdZiomek: Tribute to William Gadoury, age 15 or 16, and his Ancient Constellation Proposal
EdZiomek: Zelitski/Weinzweig Tribute, Part 2: Ancient Cultural Center -5,900 feet deep
EdZiomek: West of Cape Town, South Africa: Ancient Organized cities now on the Ocean Floor, -16,500 feet deep!
Pete Tillman: A Martian South Polar collapse pit, or an impact crater?
jordanlui: North Dublin, Ireland
jordanlui: Ostia Ocean Silt River Tiber
jordanlui: Egypt Farm Fields
DMCii: The Hálslón Reservoir, Iceland
DMCii: The Ryukyu Islands of Japan after Super Typhoon Chaba
[Hugo Charrier]: International Space Station
DMCii: Deforestation in Rondónia, Brazil
DMCii: The Flooded California Levee, USA
DMCii: Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge Project
DMCii: The Flooded Osage River in Missouri, USA
DMCii: Flooding of the Surma-Meghna River System, Bangladesh
DMCii: Baghdad, Iraq, Two Weeks After Torrential Rains Caused Widespread Flooding
DMCii: 10 Years after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the Mississippi Delta.