Johan Bolhuis: Stolpersteine for the Breslauer family, Petrarcalaan 59, Utrecht
Johan Bolhuis: Stolpersteine for the Breslauer family, Petrarcalaan 59, Utrecht
Johan Bolhuis: Stolperstein for Rudolf Breslauer, Petrarcalaan 59, Utrecht
Peter Jaspers (busy at the moment): There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest (Elie Wiesel Holocaust survivor)
Peter Jaspers (busy at the moment): I am constantly amazed by man's inhumanity to man (Primo Levi Holocaust survivor)
Peter Jaspers (busy at the moment): It happened, therefore it can happen again: this is the core of what we have to say. It can happen, and it can happen everywhere (Primo Levi Holocaust survivor)
Johan Bolhuis: Kamp Westerbork, the Netherlands
Johan Bolhuis: Kamp Westerbork, The Netherlands, house of camp commandant
Johan Bolhuis: Kamp Westerbork
Johan Bolhuis: Kamp Westerbork, The Netherlands, house of camp commandant
Johan Bolhuis: Kamp Westerbork
Johan Bolhuis: King’s College, Cambridge
Wildrie: Westerbork
Wildrie: Westerbork
Wildrie: Westerbork
Johan Bolhuis: Jewish monument, Utrecht (detail)
Johan Bolhuis: Kamp Westerbork, The Netherlands
Johan Bolhuis: Kamp Westerbork, The Netherlands
Fr@nzy Photography: 2018 - Kamp Westerbork - 5169
Fr@nzy Photography: 2018 - Kamp Westerbork - 5170
Fr@nzy Photography: 2018 - Kamp Westerbork - 5173
Fr@nzy Photography: 2018 - Kamp Westerbork - 5187
Fr@nzy Photography: 2018 - Kamp Westerbork - 5189
Fr@nzy Photography: 2018 - Kamp Westerbork - 5171
Johan Bolhuis: Stolpersteine for the Loeb family, Breestraat 161, Leiden, The Netherlands.