raaen99: A Stained Glass Window in the Chapel of the Former Parade College - Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
raaen99: A Stained Glass Window in the Chapel of the Former Parade College - Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
raaen99: A Stained Glass Window in the Chapel of the Former Parade College - Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
raaen99: A Stained Glass Window in the Chapel of the Former Parade College - Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
raaen99: Stained Glass Windows in the Chapel of the Former Parade College - Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
raaen99: Stained Glass Windows in the Chapel of the Former Parade College - Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
raaen99: Stained Glass Windows in the Chapel of the Former Parade College - Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
raaen99: Stained Glass Windows in the Chapel of the Former Parade College - Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
Carlo Raso: The Gothic cloister of Santa Chiara, with nun and cats - The majolica cloister of Santa Chiara in Naples (years 1739-1742) - Architect Domenico Antonio Vaccaro - Painters Giuseppe and Donato Massa
Only Tradition: Collective action in opposition to the next changes on Flick-Yahoo without our opinion of users.
Only Tradition: A wonderful possible way to wisdom, the traditional catholic monastic life. Une voie possible vers la sagesse, la voie monastique traditionnelle catholique. Una posible vìa hacia la plenitud y la sabidurìa, la vìa monàstica catòlica tradicional.
Only Tradition: December 8th 2013. Flick Black day. 8 décembre 2013 Journée de protestation contre la Beta page de Flick R. 8 dhjetori, dita proteste kundër faqes Beta të Flick. 8 de diciembre, dia de protesta contra la pàgina Beta de Flick.
Only Tradition: Lumière de Pâques. Dévotion monastique. Easter light. Monastic devotion. Luz de Pascua. Devociòn monàstica. Llum de Pascua. Drita e Pashkës.
Only Tradition: Sacrifice radical de sa propre personne. Voie monastique. Radical sacrifice of oneself at adopting the severe monastic rule. Sacrificio radical personal al entrar en la vida monàstica.
Only Tradition: Cloître roman de la cathédrale de Tudela, Navarre, Espagne. Claustro romànico de la catedral de Tudela. Romanesque cloister of the Tudela cathedral, Navarra, Spain.
Only Tradition: Abbaye de Fontenay, Marmagne, Côte d'Or, Bourgogne. Fontenay abbey, Burgundy, France. Abadìa de Fontenay, Borgoña, Francia. Abacia e Fontëne, Franca.
Only Tradition: Abbaye de Fontenay, Marmagne, Côte d'Or, Bourgogne. Fontenay abbey, Burgundy, France. Abadìa de Fontenay, Borgoña, Francia. Abacia e Fontëne, Franca.
Only Tradition: Abbaye romane de Fontenay, Marmagne, Côte d'Or, Bourgogne. Romanesque cloister of the former abbey of Fontenay, Burgundy, France. Claustro romànico de la abadìa de Fontenay, Borgoña, Francia. Abacia e Fontëne, Franca.
raaen99: St Laurence's Catholic Presbytery - Ogilvy Street, Leongatha
raaen99: Chimney Detail of St Laurence's Catholic Presbytery - Ogilvy Street, Leongatha
raaen99: St Laurence's Catholic Presbytery - Ogilvy Street, Leongatha
raaen99: St Laurence's Catholic Presbytery - Ogilvy Street, Leongatha
raaen99: The Door of St Laurence's Catholic Presbytery - Ogilvy Street, Leongatha
raaen99: Stained Glass Door Lunette Detail of St Laurence's Catholic Presbytery - Ogilvy Street, Leongatha
raaen99: St Laurence's Catholic Presbytery - Ogilvy Street, Leongatha
raaen99: St Laurence's Catholic Presbytery - Ogilvy Street, Leongatha
Only Tradition: Un exemple actuel de sacrifice total: la tonsure monastique. An example of a today's radical monastic way: severely tonsured, for eternity a monk of Christ. Ejemplo actual de sumisiòn radical monàstica en estos tiempos tan turbios.
Only Tradition: Tête d'un saint moine, Jean Fouquet (vers 1420- vers 1480), musée des Beaux Arts, Tours. Severely tonsured monk, by Jean Fouquet (near 1420-near 1480), France, Tours, museum of Arts.
Only Tradition: Epiphanie. Epifania. Dia de Reis. Epiphany. Dreikönigsfest. 6 janari, dita e tre mbretërve para Krishtit. Богоявление. Θεοφάνεια. Święto Trzech Króli.
Only Tradition: Sacrifice.