fabio c. favaloro: Vitaleta, Tuscany spring 2015
fabio c. favaloro: Cappella di vitaleta
David/.: overlooked
David/.: green is the sea
David/.: spun
David/.: sometime
cbr_fire: Attitude
David/.: mayday
cbr_fire: Walkway
cbr_fire: The Tower and a Street Lamp
cbr_fire: Thirteen
cbr_fire: Sepia Foreshortening
cbr_fire: Harsh Light over a Balcony
cbr_fire: Shadows and wrought iron
EyeEagleEye: Tuscany landscape II
EyeEagleEye: Ponte Vecchio Firenze
EyeEagleEye: Ponte Vechio Firenze
cbr_fire: Sepia Lodge
cbr_fire: Alley Bridge
David M Turner: The Campanile
cbr_fire: Thirty-two
erreènne: Toscana II
erreènne: Toscana III
cbr_fire: Sepia Building
cbr_fire: Sepia Alley
infinitmi: Pendio toscano
cbr_fire: Flower's Alley
cbr_fire: Ascending
cbr_fire: Tuscan Foreshortening