leo.roos: I can see energy in the air
Michał Kosmulski: Zulu Box
citizensunshine: tea in the british museum
leo.roos: Triangles
Studio d'Xavier: Two Brooms
citizensunshine: the king of champagnes
Studio d'Xavier: The Integration of Cheese and Religion
Michał Kosmulski: Translucent Design (CFW 58) from Pergamenata Paper (front)
Michał Kosmulski: Translucent Design (CFW 58) from Pergamenata Paper (back-lit, front)
Studio d'Xavier: Geometry of the Morning
Michał Kosmulski: Triangles Flagstone
citizensunshine: a lonely remainder of what was once
Studio d'Xavier: Mosinee Towels
Studio d'Xavier: Westgate
leo.roos: Doors are open
leo.roos: Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Ghent
renata lepage: BA Telhados pb gl
leo.roos: UFO (University forum), 2010, Gent
leo.roos: Claustra!
Michał Kosmulski: Spiked Icosahedron (WASS with color change)
leo.roos: Hidden door
GBoGBo: IMG_10861-10862ss
leo.roos: Green divide
Michał Kosmulski: Iso-Area Triangle Twists (CFW 68): close-up
Michał Kosmulski: Iso-Area Triangle Twists (CFW 68)
leo.roos: Top to bottom
Michał Kosmulski: Recycling Symbol
Studio d'Xavier: Ghosts of the South
Michał Kosmulski: Box with Woven Triangles XIX
Michał Kosmulski: Woven Triangles Tessellation XVIII