Treebeard: Variable Checkerspot caterpillar's exuviae -- the shed skin after the molt
Bárbol: Cordulegaster boltonii muda (10-6-12 Calcena)
Treebeard: Insect exuviae under a oak leaf
Treebeard: Spider's exuviae -- the shed skin after the molt
Odonata457: Clubtail Dragonfly Cast Skins -- the Largest and the Smallest
Treebeard: Cicada exuviae curled up a dead oak leaf
Bárbol: Eusparassus levantinus muda (30-7-21 Vícar)
Treebeard: Tiny spiderling of a Green Lynx Spider molting
Treebeard: Spider's exuviae -- the shed skin after the molt
Treebeard: Exuviae or shed skin of a Orthopteran
Bárbol: Cicada barbara muda (29-7-21 Cabo de Gata)
luc420: Panorama 2022-06-04_15-34-29-SharpenAI-Focus
Treebeard: Spider exuviae
DocJ96: Cicada case
DocJ96: Exoskeleton
aeschylus18917: Newborn Eyes
Treebeard: Cicada exuviae on a plant stem
luc420: Tortricidae sp. émergeant
Lars L. Iversen: Gomphus vulgatissimus
Treebeard: Telegraph Weed with a seed and spider exuviae
esta_ahi: Echinops ritro con muda de cigarra
esta_ahi: Muda de Anacridium aegyptium
esta_ahi: Muda de falsa oruga del rosal / Arge rosae moult
esta_ahi: Exuvia de libélula
esta_ahi: Oruga de Orgyia antiqua haciendo la muda
esta_ahi: Muda de Argiope trifasciata
Treebeard: Grasshopper exuviae or shed skin
Treebeard: Shed skin aka exuviae on a Cicada
Treebeard: Variable Checkerspot caterpillar with its exuviae
Treebeard: Caterpillar exuviae - the shed skin after molting