ARTtography by David Bruce Kawchak: Boat by the Riverwalk copy
1 other people: sunlit streets of Hong Kong
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: - CONTRAST -
1 other people: celebrating Chin Fooi's laundry
1 other people: more from the walls of Dunedin
1 other people: down by the river
.normalp: _K3_4816-1-2
JL-CA: Bien seule
Henk van Zuylen: Shadows of a majestic beech tree
Henk van Zuylen: Nijntje :)
Henk van Zuylen: Bronze statue of horse with Sint Willibrordus
B.Toronto: IMGP5918
B.Toronto: IMGP5924
Minimonster123: View from Higger Tor
1 other people: dogman rides again
B.Toronto: IMGP6233
B.Toronto: IMGP6240
shigeharu.02: 昼飲み IMG11508_VI IMG11512_VI
1 other people: open as usual
JL-CA: La reine Margot
B.Toronto: IMGP6241
B.Toronto: IMGP6248
Jaihutan: 240420-15
B.Toronto: 0001-81
fotofish64: Elston Hall
fotofish64: City Hall