Pak T: 2022.06.29-12.18.18
Pak T: 2022.06.29-12.18.31
Yowyi: 金榜提名
Pak T: 061712-07.31.23
Pak T: 042912-13.18.48
cycle.nut66: Outside Cuddington Church
Shutterbug Sheep: Dynamite with a Laser Beam
Pak T: 2013.08.30-14.52.23
Pak T: 2013.08.30-19.53.11
Pak T: Excited Zebra going straight to PAC
Yowyi: 後尾門
alexfcbay: Morning
siggy's: Brugge 08
cycle.nut66: Bluebells
cycle.nut66: Cycling to Haddenham
cycle.nut66: A Bright April Day
Thodoris11: P1014121
Yowyi: Popular retro (復古流行風)
-Bachir: A- Comma butterfly's wing detail -1
-Bachir: B- Common Brimstone butterfly's wing detail -2
Pak T: 071011-17.45.24
Pak T: 012611-18.09.52
Pak T: 013010-20.33.45
Yowyi: 庭院深深
Yowyi: 大甲文昌祠門神
Yowyi: 大甲文昌廟祈福卡
Yowyi: 大甲文昌祠
Yowyi: Roasted sweet potatoes (路邊的烤蕃薯攤)