duncan cumming: street art, Shoreditch
SeppoU [Read 'About' for info!]: You are under control [P1040361]
cooliceblue: Return of the Armadillo
cooliceblue: Question: Is this an alarm bell?
cooliceblue: ARMADILLO
cooliceblue: "Three-legged 'armadillo' robot"
Mount Fuji Man: Some thought that Dave's security precautions were excessive
robjvale: Big AI
robjvale: Eye spy (159/365)
ricko: I Just Noticed That Someone Planted a Surveillance Camera Above the Door Going Out to My Deck
ricko: The Photographing of Big Brother Watching Me
ricko: Big Brother
Studio d'Xavier: The Unblinking Eye
SolanoSnapper: Under Cover
amy's antics: Eyes in the sky
Studio d'Xavier: The Ever Seeing Eye
♔ Georgie R: Surveillance camera 159/365 (9/3081)
Mount Fuji Man: Keeping an eye on the merchandise
Mount Fuji Man: Keeping the streets safe for you
Mount Fuji Man: Llangollen - CCTV
schauml: Smile! You’re on camera.
Studio d'Xavier: The Cameras are our Friends says the Government and Google
Studio d'Xavier: Suddenly I felt not so alone anymore......
duncan cumming: Beware CCTV sticker
txmx 2: -
♔ Georgie R: Level crossing 5*365 (5*1466)
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txmx 2: -
txmx 2: fake cardboard surveillance camera
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