Ciayst: Obama
Roberto Rocco: Obama on Times detail The Hague 2009
Roberto Rocco: Obama on Times, The Hague 2009
Plaum: President Obama in Norway
hannibal1107: Same Sex Marriage
descartes.marco: Nice Art Obama Tour Guide
descartes.marco: Nice Art Obama Good Hope
descartes.marco: Nice Art Obama Great Rift Valley Kenya
descartes.marco: Nice Art Obama Kenya
descartes.marco: Nice Art Obama Kenya
Studiobaker: Why So Furious
fishdecoy: DSC00139
hidden exposures: san francisco, ca.
xtaros: "Haiti - Mr President - Little Haiti Wishes You The Best"
Secular: Portrait
Farhan Ahmed Photography: Obama Headquarters Mural - Houston
Farhan Ahmed Photography: Obama Mural - Houston
SOJJ!!: Joker/Obama paste-up; artist unknown
Lec: Stencil Barok Obama