tsepotak2013: Taeniura Melanospila.鯆魚.
tsepotak2013: Kyphosus Cinerascens.長鰭舵魚.
Kary Mar: Sargocentron rubrum
tsepotak2013: Liza Affinis.鯔魚.
tsepotak2013: Trachurus Japonicus.竹筴魚.
Godzilla1975: Caloria indica
divercraig65: Pecula Anemonefish, Raja Ampat
Pfuetzi: Black Goby, Gobius niger
tsepotak2013: The school of Kyphosus Cinerascens.小冧蚌.
Godzilla1975: Doto ussi - Goldene Doto
tsepotak2013: Apogon Pseudotaeniatus Gon.二帶梳羅魚.
Kary Mar: Amphiprion biaculeatus
Kary Mar: Carangoides bajad
Kary Mar: Siganus vulpinus
Kary Mar: Plectorhinchus polytaenia
Godzilla1975: Lybia tessellata - Boxerkrabbe - Pompom-Crab
Kary Mar: Amphiprion clarkii
Kary Mar: Pomacanthus navarchus
tsepotak2013: Scatohagus Argus.金古魚.
tsepotak2013: The School of Juvenile Kyphosus Cinerascens.小冧蚌群.
tsepotak2013: The Juvenile of Fly Fish.飛魚幼魚.
tsepotak2013: The Juvenile of Fly fish.飛魚幼魚.
Kary Mar: Siganus puellus
Kary Mar: Acreichthys tomentosus
Kary Mar: Hippocampus bargibanti
Kary Mar: Chaetodon bennetti
Kary Mar: Chaetodon ephippium
tsepotak2013: Kyphosus Cinerascens.長鰭舵魚.(霖蚌).
tsepotak2013: Canthidermis Maculata.疣鱗魨.
tsepotak2013: The Juvenile of Cypselurus Simus.飛魚幼魚.