Tirau Rose: South Waikato Countryside-Tirau NZ
4oClock: Stopped to Fill My Car Up
4oClock: He Thought of Cars
Burnt Out Chevrolet: co-operating
Tirau Rose: Mohawk water fun
Tirau Rose: Water Mohawk
rudizoon: borderline BW
rudizoon: The Green Man
rudizoon: Looking up Bridge Street
rudizoon: Te Waihau
Tirau Rose: The Sheep
EssjayNZ: Drive through corn fields
rudizoon: IMG_4798 1
rudizoon: Recycling Tok Style
rudizoon: Shed
rudizoon: Riding for the Disabled
rudizoon: Swans at Lake Moana Nui
EssjayNZ: Raukawa, Tokoroa
kahunui: Rabbit at lake
kahunui: The waterfall house
kahunui: black shag
kahunui: bridge over untroubled waters
kahunui: Southward facing
kahunui: Mt Ruapahu, New Zealand
kahunui: house on a hill