DannyAbe: My heart is in the East
DannyAbe: House of Peace 1
DannyAbe: O Lord, open my lips
DannyAbe: Sound the shofar on the New Moon
kimbar/Thanks for 6.7 million views!: Window in Temple Beth-el, Casablanca
DannyAbe: Jerusalem in glass
DannyAbe: Never again
DannyAbe: Modernist menorah
kimbar/Thanks for 6.7 million views!: Detail, Sinagoga de Santa Maria La Blanca
DannyAbe: Sacred joy
DannyAbe: The lion and the lamb
DannyAbe: The Temple of Jerusalem
DannyAbe: Central twins
DannyAbe: Central rose
DannyAbe: Central stained glass
DannyAbe: Stained glass snow gauge
gilbert.Mc: Light in a synagogue
victor408: P1050145_edited-1
victor408: P1050155
victor408: P1050153
victor408: P1050160
victor408: P1050161
victor408: P1050146
shula mosaic: 20141105_ירושלים מאוחדת II
DannyAbe: Shalom window
DannyAbe: Starlight window