giulyg: Yaaaaaawnnnnn!
giulyg: Piccione
giulyg: Fontana delle Tartarughe
giulyg: L'albero che non c'è più...
giulyg: Fendi Christmas
giulyg: Santa Sabina
il_Madmax: The bird woman... I remember her differently
il_Madmax: from Empire State Building
Paul Connolly92: Ballet flip?
Shoot at Sight !!!!: Pondering Melancholy
manuz73: ultimi colori d'autunno
David ZImagery: No Two Endings Are Alike
♥iana♥: Yellow autumn in the UK
♥iana♥: Birmingham SEA LIFE (Lionfish)
♥iana♥: Bournville college, Birmingham UK
♥iana♥: Red autumn in the UK
David ZImagery: The Path Of Least Insistence
David ZImagery: New Life In The Wasteland
David ZImagery: Mounts In the Mist
David ZImagery: The Oregon Coast Rocks
Shoot at Sight !!!!: Forty Winks...
David ZImagery: Another Visit To Horse Heaven (Explored)
♥iana♥: arte/opera
David ZImagery: Crowded Sidewalk
Chi Man: Al Karkh Fire Station Chief's Daughter Joins in Celebratory Breakfast - 5 July 2003 (Photo by Ed Andrews)
Chi Man: Free
David ZImagery: Catch Of The Day