groenling: Lemgo, Westfalen, Mittelstraße, house-front, detail
groenling: Lemgo, Westfalen, Mittelstraße, house-front
groenling: Lemgo, Westfalen, Mittelstraße, house-front, detail
groenling: Lemgo, Westfalen, Mittelstraße, house-front
groenling: Lemgo, Westfalen, Mittelstraße, house-front
groenling: Warwick, Warwickshire, Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Beauchamp Chapel, tomb of Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick †1590, detail
groenling: Warwick, Warwickshire, Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Beauchamp Chapel, tomb of Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick †1590, detail
groenling: Warwick, Warwickshire, Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Beauchamp Chapel, tomb of Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick †1590, detail
groenling: Warwick, Warwickshire, Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Beauchamp Chapel, tomb of Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick †1590, detail
groenling: Warwick, Warwickshire, Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Beauchamp Chapel, tomb of Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick †1590, detail
groenling: Warwick, Warwickshire, Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Beauchamp Chapel, tomb of Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick †1590, detail
groenling: Wiggenhall, St. Mary the Virgin, Norfolk, choir screen, painting
groenling: Wiggenhall, St. Mary the Virgin, Norfolk, choir screen, painting
groenling: Wiggenhall, St. Mary the Virgin, Norfolk, choir screen, painting
groenling: Wiggenhall, St. Mary the Virgin, Norfolk, choir screen, painting
groenling: Sillenstede, Friesland, Florianskirche, font, detail
groenling: Skenfrith, Monmouthshire, Wales, tomb of John Morgan †1557
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 7, detail
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 7, detail
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 7, detail
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 7
Wolfgang Bazer: Albrecht Dürer: Kaiser Maximilian I.
byb64: Dalle funéraire, , Nieuwe Kerk, Grote Markt, Delft, province de Hollande méridionale, Pays-Bas
byb64: Trompette de la renommée, mausolée de Guillaume le Taciturne (1593-1584), Nieuwe Kerk, Grote Markt, Delft, province de Hollande méridionale, Pays-Bas
byb64: Verrière XIXe, Nieuwe Kerk, Grote Markt, Delft, province de Hollande méridionale, Pays-Bas
byb64: Chœur, Nieuwe Kerk, Grote Markt, Delft, province de Hollande méridionale, Pays-Bas
byb64: Voûte du chœur, Nieuwe Kerk, Grote Markt, Delft, province de Hollande méridionale, Pays-Bas
byb64: La marche de l'angelot, mausolée de Guillaume le Taciturne (1593-1584), Nieuwe Kerk, Grote Markt, Delft, province de Hollande méridionale, Pays-Bas
byb64: Mausolée de Guillaume le Taciturne (1593-1584), Nieuwe Kerk, Grote Markt, Delft, province de Hollande méridionale, Pays-Bas
byb64: Mausolée de Guillaume le Taciturne (1593-1584), Nieuwe Kerk, Grote Markt, Delft, province de Hollande méridionale, Pays-Bas