suRANTo dwisaputra: BAD OBSESSION
a.rmyth: Passage Couvert 1 (bas)
a.rmyth: Passage couvert 2
a.rmyth: Passage couvert 3
a.rmyth: end of tourist season
maureen nathan: Spouted Saké Bowl
a.rmyth: Quai CPCU Ivry sur Seine
a.rmyth: Under the CPCU bridge
a.rmyth: St Raphael Quai D'Ivry
Yaniv-M: Composition
RURO photography: Streetart in Sint Niklaas
Yaniv-M: Composition
Lapin Electrique: Jul. 18, 2023
h e r m a n: # 2449 sapeurs pompiers de Paris
maureen nathan: I Want Cake
RURO photography: Streetart in Belgium
a.rmyth: Fonte san Pedro, Las Négras
Yaniv-M: Composition
maureen nathan: Day 28 #30works30days
maureen nathan: Day 25 #30works30days
cortese.federico: Little fish
Lapin Electrique: Flower Apr.22,2023