Crofter's: Ʌ Ͷ G Ʀ Ύ B I Ʀ D
jimmyenfru: Cormoran huppé - European shag - Gulosus aristotelis
Prince paul joy: Chestnut-headed bee-eater
Prince paul joy: ❤️❤️
Prince paul joy: Night heron
inesfigueira10: Spring, Galiza
Crofter's: Owl My God!
Crofter's: Owl My God!
Crofter's: Owl My God!
jimmyenfru: Cormoran huppé - Gulosus aristotelis - European Shag
jimmyenfru: Guillemot de Troïl - Uria aalge - Common Murre
jimmyenfru: Macareux moine - Fratercula arctica - Atlantic Puffin
jimmyenfru: Bruant des neiges - Plectrophenax nivalis - Snow Bunting
jimmyenfru: Buff-bellied pipit - Pipit farlousane - Anthus rubescens
jimmyenfru: Bruant à gorge blanche - Zonotrichia albicollis - White-throated Sparrow
jimmyenfru: Goéland à bec cerclé - Ringed billed gull - Larus delawarensis
Crofter's: Sonne
Crofter's: Ice Chimes in the Torrent
Crofter's: Torrent
Crofter's: Ice Chimes in the Torrent
Crofter's: Ice Chimes in the Torrent
Crofter's: Ice Chimes in the Torrent
Crofter's: Ice Chimes in the Torrent
Crofter's: Ice Chimes in the Torrent
Crofter's: Lara's Exploration
Crofter's: Quiet Canyon
Crofter's: From Darnkess reborns Light
Crofter's: From Darnkess reborns Light
Crofter's: R i d e T h e L i g t h n i n g s