Richard Forensky: Kolding, Denmark
barbkosta: Niner Estates in Paso Robles Wine Country
barbkosta: Niner Estates in Paso Robles Wine Country
Sebastiao P Nunes: Infinite pool of the Radisson Blu, Aruba, at the gorgeous sunset of the beautiful sunny island in different moments - Por-de-sol em Aruba visto desde a piscina de borda infinita do Hotel Radisson Blu. Espetáculo imperdível.
barbkosta: Sculpterra Winery, Paso Robles, California
barbkosta: Sculpterra Winery, Paso Robles, California
barbkosta: Grapes on the Vine
Frans.Sellies: Thunbergia alata, black-eyed Susan vine, different colour varieties
Frans.Sellies: Thunbergia alata, black-eyed Susan vine
Sebastiao P Nunes: Hollyhock, Malva Real, Vancouver, Canada
Frans.Sellies: Yellow allamanda flowers (Allamanda cathartica)
Frans.Sellies: Ipomoea purpurea 'Crimson Rambler'
Frans.Sellies: Close-up of Morning glory flower (Ipomoea tricolor)
Frans.Sellies: Ipomoea lobata (syn. Mina lobata or Quamoclit lobata)
Frans.Sellies: Ipomea purpurea - morning glory
Frans.Sellies: Thunbergia alata, black-eyed Susan vine
Frans.Sellies: Thunbergia alata, black-eyed Susan vine
Sebastiao P Nunes: Podranea, a strong and beautiful vine, Forest Hills, Jandira, Brazil
Sebastiao P Nunes: Congea, Congéia, Paramaribo, Suriname
Sebastiao P Nunes: Amor-juntinho, Mexican Creeper Vine, Interlagos, São Paulo, Brazil
janpaulkelly: Rainbow Chard and Pumpkins
Sebastiao P Nunes: 2Vignes, Jamaica Vervain, Chá Brasileiro, Suriname
eclectico63: attachments…
eclectico63: pandemic abandonment
Sebastiao P Nunes: Garlic Creeper Vine, Pestana Cayo Coco, Morón, Cuba
Sebastiao P Nunes: Morning Glory, On the Road, Wanica, Suriname
Sebastiao P Nunes: Olijf, Indian Jujube, Suriname
Sebastiao P Nunes: Java Plum Fruit, Jamelão, Bergendal Resort, Suriname
Sebastiao P Nunes: Bleeding heart, Clerodendro, Lágrima de Cristo, El Salvador