Hélène love: πŸ’™πŸŒƒL'amour éclaire les jours comme le soleil, les nuits comme la lune et illumine la vie comme un ciel par les étoilesπŸ’™πŸŒƒ
Hélène love: A wax man in an art gallery
Hélène love: Le moulin de Daudet à Fontvieille/THE DAUDET MILL IN FONTVIEILLE
The Collage man: Told you
The Collage man: The art of making
michael.naify: Dancing Jesus
Michael Waraksa: Untitled
The Collage man: Change of TIME
The Collage man: New Earth
The Collage man: LOCKDOWN
The Collage man: Covid Times Txts
kerrykeane154@att.net: Digital collage, wrestler
The Collage man: Red onion Supermax prison
The Collage man: Sea weed
The Collage man: Irish Fish copy.psd
The Collage man: A prayer
The Collage man: Signatures
The Collage man: Fun and Games copy
Michael Waraksa: Roundabout 2, 2021