dmitryzhkov: 18drb1275
Mount Fuji Man: Grounded
DeteSenka: Rien de Rien
noluck: Bricks Meet Tagged Plaster
VanMitte: Diagonal
khren040redkin: 19dra1047
kris__q: Alone...
YIP2: in search
mittagskind: Spielwiese
kris__q: Lines
The Urban Hermit: Shopfront
Gerhard Heinz Lange: Spiral Staircase (7)
Günther Mussel: from the series Decollage
Rossoindia: on a tilt XIV - balancing spheres (R11318)
Geoffrey R. Photography: The moon seen trough a ruined rooftop at blue hour
Geoffrey R. Photography: she's coming down
Fränk61: At the museum
Iphigenia Dervisi: Olympic Flame in Thessaloniki
noluck: Rectangels and Shadows
noluck: Three and a Half Layers in Beige
akinoproduzioni: JP2023_R0006317
Chris Toombes: Urban fragments
geeno_merlino: [...embassy...]
Christian Presse: Traurige Wand
khren040redkin: 19drg1039
ratlas: Shutter and Facade
Salgueiro Dias: ~^(✪)^~