sherwoodscot: Sebastian Bawk
blondinrikard: Safe driving
sherwoodscot: NoirWhale
sherwoodscot: Louis Vuittontaun
sherwoodscot: I Egret Doing Heron
sherwoodscot: Tightrope Walker
cj_proartz: "Blue in Portland"
sherwoodscot: Tequila Mockingbird
sherwoodscot: BABAR ELLA
blondinrikard: Mother and sun
sherwoodscot: Life is Ebola Cherries
cj_proartz: "Cow Pie"
cj_proartz: "Spring Chickens"
cj_proartz: "The Dark Side of the MOO"
cj_proartz: "Visible Means of Support"
cj_proartz: "Incowgnito"
cj_proartz: "AmeriCOW Graffiti"
blondinrikard: Car pool?
blondinrikard: Motherhood
blondinrikard: Windows (pun intended)
sherwoodscot: Bread in Captivity
sherwoodscot: 1080pee
sherwoodscot: Shopping Centaur
sherwoodscot: Ethel MERMAN
sherwoodscot: Ethel MERMAN
sherwoodscot: Cow Pi
DavidDMuir: Wise old sayings...
sherwoodscot: Putin on the Ritz
sherwoodscot: Chain Lynx