ricko: HyVee
Studio d'Xavier: The Ground Shook and the Lightning Sang Sweet Songs of Valhalla
ricko: Self-Portrait With Ceiling Fan in Motion
Studio d'Xavier: Gettin' There
Studio d'Xavier: TRP: The Sublime Immutation of the Imperative
Studio d'Xavier: Woman in a Sombrero
wwnorm: Having fun with balloons
Studio d'Xavier: The Not So Subtle Difference between Pizza and a Cigar
Studio d'Xavier: If I Had Wanted Kung Fu
Studio d'Xavier: Seeking Saint Anthony
Studio d'Xavier: Intersection at Five Points
Studio d'Xavier: Accidental
ricko: The Movement of a Fork Full of Chicken Lo Mein Within the Confines of Room 411
ricko: Bo Ramsey Won't Stand Still
wwnorm: stand up, sit down
Studio d'Xavier: The Portrait Right Before 260
wwnorm: pendular
wwnorm: go dog go
Studio d'Xavier: TRP: The Monkey Wrench Treatment
Studio d'Xavier: Good Vibrations
wwnorm: this little light of mine
wwnorm: orange casserole swirl
Studio d'Xavier: Mardi Gras
wwnorm: Maybe I've had a bit too much coffee today.
wwnorm: green&brown
wwnorm: holiday lighting smear
Studio d'Xavier: Early Morning Gardening
Studio d'Xavier: Bobblehead
ricko: A Vintage Photo of My Grandfather in Motion
wwnorm: accidental abstract