vanhookc: Got the blues?
Misa84: Barcelona Parc Guell
mrkmaurice2: _DSC1922 - Version 2
Shug1: Yellow Ring
vanhookc: go green, it's that simple
tik_tok: Lupins
Heather Ogilvie: Carnation Bud
vanhookc: "If the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet-scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry, more immortal ?
vanhookc: Oxidation
vanhookc: Textures a' Plenty
galblue: IMG_5997 copy
galblue: IMG_6025 copy
Saretta-9: fiorellini
Saretta-9: red rose
Aubirdy: Distress.
vanhookc: Watching the blossoms unfold
Shug1: Bowed Bells
Saretta-9: ciondolando
galblue: IMG_5874 (2) copy flickr
mrkmaurice2: _DSC2045
Saretta-9: pink
Saretta-9: distesa colorata...
Mary Nevtrav: primroses
Bienenwabe: Enlarged single flowers of the European Pivet.
MrClean1982: "Tiny Lavender Satellite Dishes"
Shug1: Heads Up High