willceau: Intel Roost
willceau: iPod Shot of Plywood
willceau: An old Mac Mini is a warm pillow
Jason Michael: Tamron Ad with the Font Apple Borrowed in American Photographer December 1989
Jason Michael: Ambient Good Morning Saturday, October 16th with Apple Watch in Night Stand Mode
willceau: The G3 Powerbook AKA the Lombard
willceau: There Ought to be Clowns
willceau: The Way We Think of Grandma
willceau: The Atomic Warrior - Vector Version
fern88v: iPhone 7
fern88v: IMG_0968
fern88v: iPhone 7
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: William
fern88v: iPhone 6s
fern88v: iPhone 6s