Lake Fred: Ann Peltier
Lake Fred: Spectroflash
CaptRH: AT-602
Bernard Spragg: Paddlewheeler Creole Queen New Orleans.
CaptRH: Air Tractor
Boortz47: Cheniere Lake, Louisiana
Boortz47: Cheniere Lake, Louisiana - outside the town of West Monroe
Boortz47: Cheniere Lake, Louisiana
CaptRH: Ag Cat
Sara Popham: Keachi College 1856-1912
brycegrigsby: Whooping Crane in Rumination
CaptRH: Air Tractor
oneselfsacrifice: Beyond the Moss
CaptRH: Air Tractor
oneselfsacrifice: Are you gonna kiss me or not?
oneselfsacrifice: A place where imagination is birthed
oneselfsacrifice: These words are trustworthy & true
oneselfsacrifice: Waltz around the room with a glaze in your stare
oneselfsacrifice: These hard times will drive you from door to door
oneselfsacrifice: With Words to Speak
oneselfsacrifice: Correspondance
oneselfsacrifice: Connections
oneselfsacrifice: Sweet Sweet Sweet
oneselfsacrifice: She Can’t Be Trusted
oneselfsacrifice: 10 Years, just another Louisiana morning
CaptRH: Air Tractor
Ricky Floyd: 140A2446
Ricky Floyd: 140A0350
CaptRH: Air Tractor