Anselmo Portes: building + cables
Luringa: Isa Buzzi
Anselmo Portes: Jumping horse
Anselmo Portes: Out of my window 1
Anselmo Portes: "And throw my hands up to the sky..."
Anselmo Portes: Reflexo 2
Anselmo Portes: Reflexo 1
Luringa: Samiam
Luringa: Eveel
Anselmo Portes: Empurra-empurra (detalhe)
Luringa: Di Ferrero
Luringa: Chelsea Grin
Luringa: Blind Pigs
Anselmo Portes: Vieläkö soitan banjoa?
Anselmo Portes: São Paulo
Wagner Queles: Space and Chaos
Anselmo Portes: The Door of Perception
Bru44o: diSPosição [repost]
slyronit00: Parque Ibirapuera on a lazy Sunday morning
slyronit00: Parque Ibirapuera
slyronit00: Viaduto Tutóia
slyronit00: View of São Paulo city from Parque Ibirapuera
slyronit00: View of São Paulo city from Parque Ibirapuera
slyronit00: A traffic intersection near Ibirapuera
slyronit00: A Sunday street market
michael_swan: Yone versus Data