bottk: 20231224-DSC_0623
bottk: 20231224-DSC04479
bottk: 20231224-DSC04464
bottk: 20231222-DSC_0556
Mario Graziano: Elegance inspiration
callaway_64: Kalahari Lion
callaway_64: Kalahari Lioness
bottk: 20231222-DSC_0054
bottk: 20231222-DSC03763
mzihizlk10: Ostrich at sunrise
Ed.Stockard: Bateleur Confrontation
bottk: 20231225-DSC06315
bottk: 20231222-DSC04283
bottk: 20231222-DSC04112
bottk: 20231225-DSC05038
mzihizlk10: Scanning for opportunities
mzihizlk10: Gemsbok in the Kalahari
mzihizlk10: Gemsbok
mzihizlk10: Kori Bustard
mzihizlk10: Gemsbok (Oryx)
mzihizlk10: Ostrich in the day's first light
Ed.Stockard: Balls and Bellies
petraherdlitschke: Abdim's Stork
petraherdlitschke: Black winged Kite
mzihizlk10: Cori Bustard (Ardeotis kori) - Botswana's national bird
petraherdlitschke: Red Hartebeest
petraherdlitschke: Pygmy Falcon
petraherdlitschke: Flower of the Kalahari