thanos deligiannis: Lac printanier
thanos deligiannis: Un peu d'ombre sur le lac
M Chiara B: Lines
thanos deligiannis: Colored stones in the wood
thanos deligiannis: Interview in the wood
all#green: Outlines
all#green: Cache-pot
all#green: Faces
M Chiara B: Rest in Peace HMM!
M Chiara B: Duplicates, but not quite...
M Chiara B: Marché de St. Job
M Chiara B: Smoke, sausages and light
godran25: Bruxelles - Boutique sur l'Avenue Albert
godran25: Tram de Bruxelles
godran25: Villa Felicitas
thanos deligiannis: P1_IGP7270
M Chiara B: Abandoned
M Chiara B: New day after a stormy night