east med wanderer: Silver-studded Blue, Arne, Dorset, UK
east med wanderer: Plain Tiger butterfly, Patara, Turkey
nikolayloginov: Unidentified Moth 1
Margcoss: Nature
gue-gue: Aurore - Anthocharis cardamines
cjk49: Orange Tip - female.
CyclopKiLouch: Azuré de la Bugrane
nikolayloginov: Red-spot Marquis, Euthalia monilis
jean-louiseliot: Carte géographique - Araschnia levana
Ng Aomoa: Meandrusa payeni, the yellow gorgon(s)
lgmedia04: Papillon exotique-1-3
lgmedia04: Papillon exotique-1-2
lgmedia04: Papillon exotique-1
Manuel Barroso: Pararge aegeria
cjk49: Brimstone - male on Bluebell.
Funny Cyclist: Large white butterfly caterpillars 23-07-31 (02)
bratispixl: auf der Lichtnelke
bratispixl: Distelfalter
bratispixl: auf Podest
baechli58: Aurora
Manuel Barroso: Iphiclides feisthamelii
neilhilton65: Duke of Burgundy
Albert Jan Becking: Grosser Fuchs . Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus 1758) . Grande tortue . Large tortoiseshell . Grote vos
Albert Jan Becking: Grüner Zipfelfalter / Brombeer-Zipfelfalter . Callophrys rubi (Linnaeus 1758) . Thècle de la ronce / Argus vert . Green hairstreak
Albert Jan Becking: Faulbaum-Bläuling . Celastrina argiolus (Linnaeus 1758) . Azuré des nerpruns . Holly blue . Boomblauwtje