-stille-: Blackcap
-stille-: Fieldfare and greenfinch
-stille-: Freeze
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): BAIA: Biserica Catolica Sfânta Fecioară (1410)
-stille-: Autumn light
-stille-: Black redstart
andrei_c77: Deer in the forests of Buzaiel, Brasov
andrei_c77: Deer in the forests of Buzaiel, Brasov
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): 2023-06-18 16-06 Botorca: Nest with balcony! 👍
robotwolf: Campanula cervicaria
AviFuzzi: 20230530 Sichelstrandläufer noch im PK O5308138_DxO
AviFuzzi: 20230530 Kiebitzregenpfeifer w O5308098
AviFuzzi: 20230530 Kiebitzregenpfeifer im PK O5308079
AviFuzzi: 20230530 Kalanderlerche O5307703
AviFuzzi: 20230609 Westkarpaten RO K1M22608_DxO
AviFuzzi: 20230609 Westkarpaten RO K1M22607_DxO
-stille-: Crested lark
-stille-: Wheatear
-stille-: Miller's ridge #1
-stille-: Pied wheatear
-stille-: Wheatear
-stille-: Baby coot
pauldobrero: Long-eared owl (Asio Otus)
pauldobrero: Long-eared owl (Asio Otus)
robotwolf: Fragaria viridis
robotwolf: Potentilla alba
robotwolf: Paeonia tenuifolia
Daniel ENGELVIN (3 Millions thanks): PIATRA NEAMT: Rooks flying to the city center for the day
robotwolf: Iris ruthenica